mesela, bu sandalyeye oturup tatiline ara verebilirsin.
bu ağaç bu sandalye bu gölge bu esinti bu yapraklar, hepsi sen tatilde bir dur bir ara ver bir nefeslen diye varlar.
çünkü tatiller de yorucu olur bilirler.
for instance; you can sit on that chair and take a break from your break.
this tree, this chair, the shadows, the breeze, those leaves, all exist for you to time off, to take a breath and to stand still.
because they know that even breaks can be exhausting.
ardından su dökülmeyen, ardında su olan yol.
ada yolu.
the road
which does not require pouring of water behind its back,
which indeed becomes one itself.
ada yolu.
the road
which does not require pouring of water behind its back,
which indeed becomes one itself.
hafifleten cins
o saçlar uçuşuyorsa biryerlerde tamamdır.
iyidir, herşey yolundadır yani.
kesin güzel bir yerlerdesindir, garanti mutlusundur.
rüzgar vardır, hafifleten cinsten. artık baya hafifsindir. dertten tasadan zerre kalmamıştır.
hem hatırlarsın belki, yeni yıla da öyle girmişindir.
light version
if hair is flying about somewhere, then it's ok.
it's alright then, everything looks good.
most definitly you are in a splendid place, absolutely happy. there is wind and you are light.
you are much lighter and carry no trace of sorrow.
you might remember, you've met the new year such as.

yeni yıl / new year
iyidir, herşey yolundadır yani.
kesin güzel bir yerlerdesindir, garanti mutlusundur.
rüzgar vardır, hafifleten cinsten. artık baya hafifsindir. dertten tasadan zerre kalmamıştır.
hem hatırlarsın belki, yeni yıla da öyle girmişindir.
light version
if hair is flying about somewhere, then it's ok.
it's alright then, everything looks good.
most definitly you are in a splendid place, absolutely happy. there is wind and you are light.
you are much lighter and carry no trace of sorrow.
you might remember, you've met the new year such as.

yeni yıl / new year
annenin ve biriki kelimenin eksikliği
her saat başı, doğumda kaybettikleri annelerinin yerine geçen biberondan sütlerini emerler.
hep mi yanyanalar hep mi dipdibeler. ceylan gözleri neler der.
gerçi, benim de demek istediklerimi diyecek kelimeler, şuan dilimin ucunda bile değiller. hiç olmamış bile olabilirler.
absence of a mother and a few words
every hour they suck their milk from the baby bottle, the replacement for their mother they've lost during birth.
are they always together, always next to each other. their eyes, what do they say?
though, the words which express my feeling are not even on the tip of my tongue. maybe they don't even exist.
hep mi yanyanalar hep mi dipdibeler. ceylan gözleri neler der.
gerçi, benim de demek istediklerimi diyecek kelimeler, şuan dilimin ucunda bile değiller. hiç olmamış bile olabilirler.
absence of a mother and a few words
every hour they suck their milk from the baby bottle, the replacement for their mother they've lost during birth.
are they always together, always next to each other. their eyes, what do they say?
though, the words which express my feeling are not even on the tip of my tongue. maybe they don't even exist.
meraktayım 2
güneş batacak ve renklere rehavet çökecek, ve kimbilir belki mavi bir süre direnecek.
sunset will make all colours drowsy, and who knows blue might resist for a bit.
sunset will make all colours drowsy, and who knows blue might resist for a bit.
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