
beni kollarına alman yeterli olacaktır sanırsam.

i believe it will be enough if you just hold me in your arms.



kırmızı göz alır...daha fazla orada durmayı göze alamaz. bundandır firarı.

red blinds the eye...she can't risk staying further. that's why she escapes.


mark twain

extracts from Adam's diary:
"The new creature says its name is Eve. That is all right, I have no objections. Says it is to call it by when I want it to come. I said it was superfluous, then. "

extracts from Eve's diary:
"This morning I told him my name, hoping it would interest him. But he did not care for it. It is strange. If he should tell me his name, I would care. I think it would be pleasanter in my ears than any other sound.
He talks very little. Perhaps it is because he is not bright, and sensitive about it and wishes to conceal it. It is such a pity that he should feel so, for brightness is nothing; it is in the heart that the value lie.  I wish I could make him understand that a loving good heart is riches, and riches enough, and that without it intellect is poverty."

At Eve's Grave
ADAM: "Wheresoever she was, there was Eden."



düşünme boşver.
hep ölümü hatırla.
hayatın kısalığını, şaşırtmacasını, plansızlığını.
önemli değil.
hiçbir şey, senin zannettiğin kadar önemli değil.

sonunda ölüm var de ve devam et.

don't mind.
always remember death...
brevity of life, suddenness, unpredictableness.
it's not important.
nothing in life is as important as you think.

say "death comes as the end" and move on.



herhangi bir zaman diliminde, aynı anda iki tane "ben" vardır.
birtanesi kendi "ben"indir.
diğeri, karşında duranın algıladığı "ben"dir.
bazen, "ben"ler birbirlerine çok yakın, bazen de belli bir mesafede olabilirler.

benim durumum da, farkediyorum ki, mesafe oldukça büyük oluyor.


in any given moment, there are two "selves" concurrently.
one is your own "self", the second perceived by the other.
at times, two "selves" might be very close to each other, but others they might be in some distance.

in my case, I came to the realization that this distance is significant.